First off, Gravey1 is one funny motherfucker! I haven't even seen the guy's face and i'm crying because i'm laughing so hard!
Now that that is over with;
You know, i don't usually complain, but i'm tired of this zero bombing shit. It might have worked in WWII, BUT NOT NOW! it's not funny. no one thinks you're "cute" for doing it. there are some aspiring artists that are trying to get known on the Grounds, and every vote is crucial to them. So when one of you overly self-confident, small dicked losers comes by and drops a zero, it's a big fucking hit.
the song you just royally assfucked could've been the next chart topper! but you HAD to fap to the sound of the mouse clicking the zero. so now the song will probably be buried in the portal for all eternity. good going cock face.
rating a song a zero, and zero bombing are completely different. If a song is so sucky it deserves a zero, then that's fine. you were being a fair judge and that's your opinion about the song, but if you wait at the computer screen with your spider-man boxers down to your ankles, holding your needle dick for the newest submitted song Just to give it a zero, then you're a ZERO BOMBER!
I even figured out a way to fix this. here's my proposition:
If you are going to vote a zero , you should HAVE to submit a review of at least 35 words telling why the song deserves a zero. if you refuse, you're vote won't get counted. simple as that. and if it was a perfect world, there would be some kind of sensor that recognized if some dick face just held down a key and submitted, but you got to start somewhere.
Deep breath.
okay, Thirdly:
I have done a recent project, well projects, with the funny man above, Gravey1. We both did versions of the famous Zelda song, Fairy Fountain.
Versions here:
Fairy Fountain Redux (The Ledge93)
Fairy Fountain Remix (Gravey1)
So those are mine and his. he aslo helped me with an ongoing project, he helped get every sounding just right. THEN, he handed me the keys to a shiny new piano piece, and told me it had a full tank. boy am i excited about that! so i've got those working out for me.
But that's about it... unless you want to see a video about boning the little mermaid? I thought you would!
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Don't worry, here's another funny picture!